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Makes 6 servings

1 3/4 cups white vinegar
2 tablespoons salt, preferably coarse sea salt
6 small, Italian eggplants, about 6 ounces each
2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
20 fresh mint leaves, torn into small pieces
3 to 4 garlic cloves, sliced very thin

In a 5-quart pot, bring enough cold water to cover the eggplants, 1 1/2 cups of the white vinegar and the salt to a boil. Trim the stems and cut the eggplants in quarters lengthwise. Add the eggplant to the pot and place a heatproof plate or pot lid small enough to fit into the pot over the eggplants to keep them submerged. Boil until the eggplant is tender, but not mushy, about 15 minutes.

Drain the eggplant thoroughly and spread them out on a baking sheet to cool.

Remove the peels from the eggplant; they should be easy enough to remove with your fingers, if not, help them along with a paring knife. Strip away the seeds with your fingers and tear the eggplant into strips about 1/2-inch wide, placing them in a bowl as you work. Add the remaining 1/4 cup white vinegar, the olive oil, mint leaves and garlic. Toss well and let marinate at least 2 hours at room temperature, or up to 2 to 3 days hours in the refrigerator before serving. If refrigerated, bring the eggplant to room temperature and check the seasoning before serving.

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