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Makes 4 servings

4 cups shredded beef from Mixed Meat Broth (see recipe below)
1 cup sliced cooked carrot, taken from Mixed Meat Broth
1 medium red onion, sliced (about 1 cup)
1/2 cup chopped cornichons, or other small gherkins
1/4 cup chopped Italian parsley leaves
1/3 cup extra virgin olive oil
4 tablespoons red wine vinegar
Freshly ground pepper
Sprigs of Italian parsley

Combine the beef, carrot, onion, cornichon and chopped parsley in a mixing bowl. Toss to mix. Add oil and vinegar and toss again. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Serve at room temperature, garnished with whole sprigs of Italian parsley.

Mixed Meat Broth:
1 pound beef short ribs
1 pound meaty veal shank
1 pound chicken necks, wings and backs
5 quarts water
1 large onion, loose outer layers removed and cut in half
3 cups 1-inch-thick carrot slices
3 celery stalks, each cut into 4 pieces
6 garlic cloves, peeled
6 sprigs fresh Italian parsley
6 black peppercorns
Salt and pepper

Wash the beef, veal, and chicken under cold running water and drain them well. If you plan to serve the cooked veal and beef, bring the water to a boil in a large (at least 10-quart) stockpot over high heat before adding the meat. If you plan to make a richer stock and discard the meat after making the stock, add the meat to the cold water in the pot and bring to a boil over high heat. Adjust the level of heat to medium-low and continue simmering for 1 hour, occasionally skimming any foam and fat off the surface.

Meanwhile, place the onion halves cut side down directly over an open flame or cut side up under a preheated broiler and cook until the cut surfaces are well browned, about 3 minutes. Move the onion halves with a pair of tongs as necessary to brown the onion evenly. (Alternatively, the onion can be browned cut side down in a heavy nonstick or seasoned skillet over medium heat.)

Add the onion and the remaining ingredients except the salt to the stockpot and continue cooking, skimming occasionally, until the liquid returns to a boil. Lower the heat until the liquid is "perking" - one or two large bubbles rising to the surface at a time. Cook, partially covered, for 2 hours if you plan to serve the meat, 3 hours if you plan the discard the meat. Add salt to taste.

Strain the broth through a colander lined with a dampened kitchen towel or cheesecloth. If you want to use the stock immediately, you can remove much of the liquid fat floating on the surface by lightly dragging a folded paper towel over the surface. However, it will be easier to degrease the stock if you have time to chill it completely in the refrigerator. The fat will rise to the surface and solidify and can be easily lifted off.

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