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Makes 6 servings

1 pound two day old country-style bread, crusts removed, cut into1/2-inch cubes (about 8 cups)
2 pounds ripe tomatoes at room temperature, cored, seeded and cut into 1/2-inch cubes (about 4 cups)
1 cup diced red onion
12 fresh basil leaves, shredded
5 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
3 tablespoons red wine vinegar
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
Fresh basil sprigs

In a large bowl, toss bread, tomatoes, onion and shredded basil leaves until well mixed. Drizzle the olive oil and vinegar over the salad and toss to mix thoroughly. Season to taste with salt and pepper and let stand 10 minutes before serving. Decorate with sprigs of fresh basil

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