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Makes 6 servings

10-12 ripe fresh green or black figs
6 long, thin slices of Prosciutto di San Daniele or Prosciutto di Parma, or as needed
1/3 cup of fig marmalade*
6 1/2-inch-thick slices of firm Italian bread
Extra virgin olive oil

Wipe the figs clean with a damp cloth or paper towel. Slice the figs crosswise into 1/8?inch-thick rounds. Set aside.

Begin preparing the bruschetta by heating a charcoal fire or a grill pan for 5 minutes. Grill as many of the bread slices as will fit in a single layer, turning them once, until they are golden brown and crispy - slightly charred around the edges is fine. This should take 3-5 minutes depending on the intensity of the heat. The bruschetta can be prepared in an oven that's been preheated to 450°F by placing them in a single layer and baking until golden and crispy. This should take 6-8 mins.

Remove the bruschetta from the grill and brush them lightly with olive oil. Spread the bruschetta sparingly with the marmalade. Cover the bruschetta with overlapping fig slices. Drape the prosciutto to cover the figs. Grind some black pepper over the prosciutto and serve.

* Note: If fig marmalade is not available, you may substitute apricot or cherry marmalade.

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