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If you're preparing an antipasto that includes provolone and prosciutto- and every antipasto should include prosciutto- this is a good place to use odds and ends of both.

Bottled hot cherry peppers
Imported provolone, in one piece
Thinly sliced prosciutto

These stuffed cherry peppers will look very nice and go a long way to dressing up an antipasto table if you use both red and green peppers. Sometimes you will see these already stuffed hot peppers marinating in oil and vinegar. You can do the same by packing the stuffed peppers into a clean jar and pouring the liquid from the jar of cherry peppers and some olive oil over them. Store them in the refrigerator for up to a few days like that, but be sure to drain them well before you serve them, or they will be messy to eat.

Cut out the stems and scrape out the seeds from the cherry peppers. Cut pieces of provolone that will fit into the cherry peppers. Wrap each piece of provolone in a single layer of prosciutto, then place the prosciutto-wrapped provolone cubes into the peppers. Either serve them as is, or place them into an empty jar and pour enough of the liquid from the jar of cherry peppers to come within an inch of the jar. Pour in olive oil to fill. Cover the jar tightly and store in refrigerator for up to three days.

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