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This dish is best when prepared with overripe summer tomatoes, although canned Italian plum tomatoes may be used. Make sure that they are of very good quality, and drain the excess juice before cooking.

Makes 6 servings

2 1/2 pounds ripe and juicy plum tomatoes
3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil, plus more for finishing the dish
1 cup finely chopped onion
8 whole fresh basil leaves, plus 1/4 cup shredded fresh basil
Freshly ground pepper
6 extra large eggs
6 thick slices toasted country style bread

Heat a large pot of water to a boil. With a paring knife, cut out the cores from the tomatoes and mark and "x" in the opposite end. Plunge the tomatoes, about 4 or 5 at a time into the boiling water and leave them there until the skin begins to loosen around the core and "x" end. This can take from a few seconds to a minute. Don't leave the tomatoes in any longer, or they will begin to cook. Scoop the tomatoes from the pot with a wire skimmer or slotted spoon and transfer them to a large bowl of cold water. Repeat with the remaining tomatoes. Peel the tomatoes and cut them into chunks. Pass the tomatoes through a food mill fitted with the fine disk. Reserve the passed tomatoes and discard the seeds and skins left in the food mill.

In a non-reactive 12-inch skillet, heat 3 tablespoons of the oil over medium heat. Add the onions and cook, stirring occasionally, until softened, about 7 minutes. Add the passed tomatoes and basil leaves, season lightly with salt and pepper and heat to simmering. Simmer until the sauce is lightly thickened, about 20 minutes. Remove the basil leaves, and check the seasoning, adjusting with salt and pepper if necessary.

You may prepare the eggs in either of two ways: For individual poached eggs, "ouva in purgutorio," crack the eggs into a cup one at a time and slip them into the simmering tomato sauce. Cook until the egg white is set, but the yolk still runny, 3 to 5 minutes. Enrich the sauce with additional olive oil, if you like, and remove the pan from the heat. Place one slice of toast in each of 6 shallow bowls, top each with an egg and some of the sauce. Sprinkle with additional shredded basil and serve immediately.

To serve the eggs 'frittata style', beat the eggs in a bowl until thoroughly blended. Pour the beaten eggs into the simmering sauce and cook, stirring continuously, until the eggs are set and firm, about 2 minutes. Enrich with additional olive oil, season with salt and pepper and stir in the shredded basil.

Serve in shallow bowls, accompanied with toast.

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