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Makes 6 servings

4 cups milk
1 1/2 teaspoons coarse salt, or as needed
2 tablespoons unsalted butter
3/4 cup instant polenta
Sugar to taste

In a heavy 2-to 3-quart saucepan bring the milk and salt to a simmer and add the butter. Place the cornmeal in a wide bowl in close reach of the stove. Scoop up a small handful of the cornmeal and, while stirring constantly with a wooden spoon or flat-ended stirrer, let it sift slowly through your fingers into the seasoned milk. The cornmeal should fall "a poggia" -- like rain-- into the water. Sift the remaining cornmeal into the water a small handful at a time, stirring constantly, paying special attention to the corners. It should take about 5 minutes to add all the cornmeal.

When all the cornmeal is added, the mixture should be smooth and thick and begin to "perk" -- large bubbles will rise to the surface. Reduce the level of heat to medium-low-- the polenta should continue to perk-- and continue stirring, until the cornmeal is tender and the polenta begins to pull away from the side of the pan, about 5 minutes. The polenta is ready to serve at this point, or you can to choose to cook it an extra few minutes to intensify the flavor and improve the digestibility. To continue cooking, reduce the level of heat to low and stir the polenta constantly for about 5 minutes. You may need to add a small amount of water during this extra cooking if the polenta begins to stick or becomes too thick. Spoon the polenta into deep bowls and let each person sugar to taste. This dish is also delicious for breakfast.

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