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Makes about 2 cups

6 egg yolks, at room temperature
1/4 cup dry Marsala
1/4 cup sugar

In a medium-size, copper or other heatproof bowl, whisk the egg yolks, Marsala and sugar until smooth. Place over, not in, barely simmering water and continue beating (switching to an electric handheld mixer, if you like) until the mixture is pale yellow, frothy and falls in thick ribbons when the whisk or beaters are lifted, about 8 minutes if you are whisking by hand or about 4 minutes if you are using an electric mixer. It is important to whisk continuously or the egg yolks will cook and the mixture will appear curdled. Remove the sauce from over the heat and serve immediately, either spooned into individual coupes or over fresh fruit or berries.

Chocolate Zabaglione:
In a small heatproof bowl set over a pan of gently simmering water, melt 3 ounces chopped semisweet chocolate, stirring often so the chocolate melts evenly. Remove the pan from the heat and leave the bowl of chocolate over the water to keep it warm. Prepare the zabaglione sauce according to the directions above. Remove from the heat and fold the warm, melted chocolate into the sauce. Serve immediately.

From Lidia's Italian Table (William Morrow, 1998)

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