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Lidia Matticchio Bastianich is the star of Public Television's Lidia's Italian American Kitchen and Lidia's Italian Table and the author of the cookbooks by the same name. She is an acclaimed chef and restaurateur, co-owner of Felidia, Becco and Esca restaurants in New York and Lidia's in Kansas City and Pittsburgh. She is currently working on another two books to be published in 2004.

Tanya Bastianich Manuali is an art historian who completed her doctorate at Oxford University in Italian Renaissance Art. For several years, she studied and taught in Florence where she received her Master's Degree from Syracuse University in Art History. She has been working in New York since 1996.

Shelly Burgess Nicotra received her Master's Degree in Italian Renaissance Art in Florence and remained to teach for Syracuse University and the Elder Hostel program. She also worked at the Palatine Gallery of the Pitti Palace Museum in Florence. She has been working with Lidia since 1995.

Contact information:
Shelly Burgess Nicotra
Esperienze Italiane
800-480-2426; 212-758-1488

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